Focus on content
All that Google is implementing makes sense to me. They try to make their network is valuable as possible, as human as possible, as trustworthy as possible. Get around algorithms to fool the search engines is hardly impossible. Its in favor of Google to make sure that the quality of the network keeps evolving. Google’s intention is to really make sure only the best stuff is on the top results. Stop your SEO investments immediately and start creating awesome and cool content.Still this is the truth by Google but its admirable how they managed to get in this position. In my opinion there is only one strategy that will last: focus on creating valuable content. Stop your SEO investments immediately and start creating awesome and cool content. Hire a former chief editor from a publisher, they understand how to create a storyline and write tons of valuable content. And if it is good, the system will see and reward it with great search results.
Find instead of search
But look at your own search behavior. How did this evolve during the course of the last couple of years? For myself: I hardly search on Google. As of day 1 I stepped into social networks like LinkedIn and Twitter. All I want to know about marketing, the cloud and triathon is coming out of those networks, automatically. I don’t have to search, I created an environment for myself that enables me to find. Relevant content is showing up to me automatically. I strongly believe in organic movements, less structured and less planned. That you find things by coincidence which is of your interest without searching for it. I strongly believe in organic movements, less structured and less planned. That you find things by coincidence which is of your interest without searching for it. Also known as: serendipity. This principle is applicable in many areas. LinkedIn and Twitter to me are the best practice for this. Every day I am confronted with new people, news, articles and other stuff that I would have never found without having those social networks. Every day I am surprised by new insights, new stuff, new people who are engaging with me and inspiring me. All my privacy settings in Google and other networks are completely open. The more I put in, the better value I get out of it. It costs you a lot of time but it is worth it. My most used searching app is Google Maps. Really my favorite being able to find things quickly from any angle.
The main tools
That sounds great Mark, but how do I create such an environment. What are the tips and tricks to make me find instead of search? Well it is very easy. First of all, just be yourself, be authentic. Arguments like ‘I have nothing interesting to share..’ or ‘Nobody is waiting for my comments…’ are nonsense. Every individual has a equal y minded people around him. When discussing this topic with others I always give the following example: imagine that you have a one on one conversation with a relation, business or private, doesn’t matter. Do you believe that if 25 people were sitting next the you listening to this conversation and have some interaction, this would bring additional value to you? New insights, tips, recommendations or suggestions that brings you in better shape? If yes, than you should definitely start using the following tools:
- Currents
- Hootsuite
- Bufferapp
Flipboard is your realtime electronic magazine derived from multiple social networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. Currents is the comparable free app from Google. With Hootsuite you can monitor multiple social networks by keywords or interests. Bufferapp makes is very easy to share interesting stuff on multiple networks with one click on the button. These apps make my life much more easier. Meaning that for my triathlons I always have the latest information about races, sports gear and get the best answers when I have questions for the network. The same is applicable on areas like marketing and the cloud. Make it yourself easy, be smarter and better than the rest and start practicing it right now!